The Chase host Bradley Walsh was joined by four contestants on Thursday’s episode of the ITV hit quiz show as they joined forces in hopes of walking away with a cash prize
The Chase’s Bradley Walsh was left feeling embarrassed as The Vixen, also known as Jenny called the host out after he made an awkward blunder.
During Thursday’s (December 19) episode of the ITV hit quiz show, the TV star was joined by contestants Rachel from Cardiff, Will originally from North Yorkshire, Martin from Enniskillen and Jessica from Cornwall as they joined forces in the hope that their four brains can beat one.
However things took an awkward turn just minutes into one question with contestant Rachel as Bradley pronounced one of his words wrong and she wasted no time calling him out on the blunder.
Jenny was also quick to point out the mistake as she said: “Really got quizzing there but what I partially liked is that you (Rachel) corrected Brad. Yes it usually is LAX not Lax, Lax is Brad’s attitude to this show.”
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The Chase airs weekdays from 5pm on ITV and ITVX